An effective school is one where the personalities, needs and abilities of every student are valued, known and understood and responded to in ways that bring each student success and the ongoing motivation to achieve.
At Ashfield Public School, valuing, knowing, understanding and responding to students is achieved in a number of ways.
Firstly, there is a shared belief at our school that:
1) high expectations for the high achievement of every student are linked to high performance.
2) with enough time and appropriate and sustained support, all children are capable learners, regardless of their circumstance or ability.
3) we are all responsible and accountable for the achievements of every learner
Secondly, all staff are committed to building relationships with our students by knowing the stories and personal learning journeys of each student. Staff seek to understand the diverse linguistic, cultural and religious backgrounds that influence how students interact and engage. As significant adults, all staff are role models who strive, through commitment and actions, to create inclusive learning environments and impact positively on the lives of our students.
Next, at our school there is the ongoing collection of evidence of learning so as to know where every learner is as compared to where he or she should be at any other point in the school year. This data enables us to meet and respond to individual student need with the aim that all students will achieve or exceed established benchmarks for achievement.
We also create our school as a community that supports all students to feel a sense of belonging and purpose. We are united by our ten wellbeing choices which are explicitly taught and present our students with a framework that guides their actions, and enables them to understand and articulate their achievements. It is important for students to express what they are doing, how they can improve and where they can go for help.
Furthermore, our school is committed to the ongoing professional development of teachers. This is about giving our teachers the resources and right assistance so that they can teach to high standards. It includes supporting teachers to structure their lessons in ways that engage and accelerate the physical, social and intellectual development of all students.
At our school we also value, know, understand and respond to our students by supporting their times of failure and giving every child the non-exhaustive opportunity to reboot, recalibrate and reengage.
At Ashfield Public School we understand the importance of students achieving their best when they feel safe and valued, and are engaged according to their ability and interests. This is about achieving the purpose of education which is to transform lives and support young people to realise their potential.
Adapted from: Clarity. What matters most in learning, teaching, and leading. (2019) Lyn Sharratt
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers
Department of Education. Strategic Plan. 2018-2022