Ashfield Public School is a great school because once you walk through the gate you feel like you've come home.
This quote comes from a student who was asked what is best about Ashfield Public School and what makes it special. It is a simple statement from the heart of a child, but it reflects the philosophy of education embraced by the school community.
A home is a place that nurtures the growth and wellbeing of the individual and of the whole family unit. Ashfield Public School develops the talents and capacities of all students. It supports them in their areas of need and extends them in their areas of potential. Our school is about a quality education where children are motivated and are able to achieve their best.
A home shows appreciation for the things that family members do well. Ashfield Public School gives Certificates of Success to acknowledge the daily efforts of children to work with each other, focus in class and show initiative. Our school celebrates the postive choices that we make, including a class ceremony at the end of each term to recognise achievement.
A home is about a family spending time doing things together. Ashfield Public School meets each morning at lines to hear messages, to share the maths and grammar challenge and joke of the week. Our community comes togeter for annual events like the Walkathon and the Bring and Buy Sale, and special occasions such as Harmony Day and or Open Classrooms. Our school builds a collaborative spirit of success. It creates a vibrant and fun community where the laughter and happiness of children, teachers and parents fills the classrooms and resounds across the playground.
A home flourishes with good communication as family members interact in a positive and kind way. Ashfield Public School teaches our students how to develop a personal and social capability as they make friends and be effective members of a group. Professional and courteous communication amongst parents and staff is expected as everyone collaboratively works towards the common goal of giving every child, every opportunity.
A home has a clear set of family rules, values, and beliefs to create expectations about behaviour. Ashfield Public School teaches our students about respect, kindness, cooperation and integrity. It teaches them to be positive and to be resilient positive including being able to see difficult times as an opportunity to reflect, learn and grow. It sets high expectations for learning and expects students to be committed to achieving their best.
The student quote about Ashfield Public School feeling like being home is satisfying. It means that the school is doing its job and doing it well. On behalf of the staff, students and parent community I am very proud to welcome you to this Ashfield Public School - welcome home.
Damien Moran