Wellbeing is a state in which every individual
realises his or her potential, can cope with the
normal stresses of life, can work productively and
fruitfully and is able to make a contribution to his
or her community. (World Health Organisation, 2014)
The NSW Department of Education’s School Excellence Framework describes wellbeing as a core business of a school. Wellbeing is also reflected in the Department of Education’s strategic goal that ‘every student is known, valued and cared for’.
Wellbeing at Ashfield Public School is about students who feel motivated and satisfied as learners and successfully engage in a supportive education that meets their needs, satisfies their interests and progresses their academic, social, emotional and physical growth.
Our whole school approach to wellbeing involves clearly defining what wellbeing is. We do this via our 10 wellbeing choices which are reinforced each day on morning lines, in the classroom and on the playground. These choices articulate a range of behaviours that support students to have positive experiences at school and to be empowered to actively involve themselves in their education.
Our whole school approach also involves sustaining a safe learning environment. The school takes a firm stance on anti-bullying, we explicitly teach No Go Tell and support all students in positive behaviour for learning to reduce problem behaviours and develop respectful relationships and interactions.
Our whole school approach includes the Triple E (Enrichment, extension and engagement) program which is about involving students in a range of activities that develop a sense of belonging and high enjoyment. It includes our Future Focused program, with philosophical thinking to support social and emotional learning. Philosophical thinking is about acquiring and applying the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, and make responsible decisions.
Important to our whole school approach is collecting and analysing data on wellbeing. For example, the school uses the Year 4-6 Tell Them From Me Survey which provides an important student voice to measure student wellbeing. We also use Sentral, an online management system, to document the tallies of individual students as they earn Certificates of Success, School Awards and School Medals. Sentral also documents student participation in extra-curricular activities. Sentral data is used to identify and close equity gaps that can occur in a large school.
Wellbeing in a school is a serious business. At Ashfield Public School it is a planned and systematic evidence based approach. It is about sustaining and growing whole school practices that enable our students to experience their education with a state of positive mood and attitude, resilience and satisfaction with self, and fulfilling experiences and relationships with others.
Every student is known, valued and cared for in our schools – an environmental scan, CESE, November 2018
Student wellbeing, CESE, May 2015
Student at work