So your child is going to be an Online Learner?
Ashfield Public School uses Online Learning to facilitate continuity of learning in the event of students being unable to access regular, timetabled classes on school site.
It is important to understand that the same educational practices that work best in the classroom are used when teaching and learning online:
Ashfield Pulbic School uses Seesaw, an online learning platform. The tasks that teachers upload onto Seesaw are designed to be short and sharp, about 10 minutes to 20 minutes in duration.
And just like in the classroom, these tasks embed 8 high quality practices that work best:
1) High Expectations
All students are appropriately challenged in order to learn. You will notice a selection of tasks to choose from. These tasks are differentiated to provide support, core or extension activities.
2) Explicit teaching
The tasks are written to clearly show students what to do and how to do it. There is an emphasis on building strong foundations in core skills in literacy and numeracy.
3) Effective feedback
Students submit a completed task and get clear feedback from the teacher. They can also ask a question. The teacher indicates a time that they will be available online and strives to respond as quickly as possible.
4) Use of data to inform practice
Teachers assess the work as it is completed and identify which students may require additional attention and help to prepare tasks for the next online learing session.
5) Assessment
Teachers provide students with a clear learning intention to clearly describe what students should know, understand and be able to do at the conclusion of the lesson. Each activity posted online should include success criteria that describe what success looks like.
Learning Intentions and Success Criteria can be presented via a range of formats including written, audio or video.
6) Classroom management
Teachers create easy to follow activities to make students feel safe and supported, and self-empowered and excited to engage with their learning.
7) Wellbeing
Positive feedback from teachers makes students feel valued and cared for.
8) Collaboration
Teachers work with other teachers to develop their knowledge and understanding of Online Learning and how to engage students and progress their learning.
Online Learning