Student work samples are used by teachers to determine a learner’s level of achievement and to understand the impact of their teaching practices on achievement. In primary school, student work samples may come from any of the key learning areas: English, Mathematics, Science and Technology, Personal Development, Health and Physical Education, Creative Arts, History and Geography.
There are many types of work samples that can be collected by a teacher including:
- Written (essay, report etc…)
- Spoken (presentation, recitation etc…)
- Visual (posters, artwork etc…)
- Digital (video, Canva etc…)
- Practical (model, experiment etc..)
- Performance (routine, demonstration etc…)
Student work samples are collected for:
Analysis: Student work samples are examined and compared to criteria, outcomes, the common grade scale (A to E) or learning progressions. It is a teacher’s task to provide feedback regarding how a particular work sample meets a level of achievement. Student work samples also provide evidence about how teaching practices have impacted on student achievement and progress.
Consistent teacher judgement (CTJ): A teacher confirms their individual judgment regarding the extent to which a student work sample demonstrates the identified level of achievement by working collaboratively with other teachers. This enables the teacher to create a shared understanding of the range of skills, knowledge and/or understanding that are required to meet a particular level of achievement.
Planning: Student work samples enable the teacher to plan for where to next. A work sample enables the teacher to identify student strengths and areas of improvement in the knowledge, skills and processes being targeted in instruction. The information that comes from a student’s work sample is used to guide further instruction and improve the student’s learning.
Action: Student work samples provide evidence for decisions about supporting the learning and engagement of individual students, and/or student cohorts. For example, students work samples may indicate the need to assign students to extension or remedial programs.
Reporting to parents: Regularly sharing student work samples provides parents with clear, constructive examples that show their children’s achievement and progress.
Point of reference: Comparing student work samples that have been collected at points in time across a school year enables teachers to confirm or address issues with an expected trajectory of growth or higher than expected growth.
At Ashfield Public School, student work samples are used to understand and communicate what students have learned, and plan for what students need to learn in the future. They are an important part of the assessment process which establishes where students are in their learning so that teaching can be differentiated, and further learning progress can be monitored over time. understanding-the-curriculum/awarding-grades