Through the process of social-emotional learning (SEL) students acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities of self-worth, determination and accomplishment as they tackle everyday challenges and successfully engage and learn at school and in other aspects of their life.
There are five broad areas of social and emotional learning:
Self-awareness: recognising and understanding feelings and strengths.
Self-management: regulating and appropriately expressing emotions.
Social awareness: understanding what others are feeling, being able to take their perspective, and appreciating and interacting positively with diverse groups.
Relationship skills: establishing and maintaining healthy relationships, constructively resolving interpersonal conflict and seeking help when needed.
Responsible decision-making: being aware of the consequences when making decisions.
At Ashfield Public School, social-emotional learning is developed:
through a whole school approach: Ten wellbeing choices create a shared understanding of the positive behaviours that build social-emotional skills and enable students to be successful in their relationships and learning. The choices are used school-wide and set the tone of an emotionally safe school which is inclusive and embraces diversity. The choices describe the specific actions and practices that empower students to be motivated and successful as they navigate school and their everyday lives.
by the teacher being a role model: Research suggests that among school-related factors, teachers matter most. As teachers demonstrate respect and trust, have empathy and respond to individual needs, and value assertive and cooperative behaviour, they positively influence their students’ social-emotional capacity.
explicitly taught through structured teaching programs: The knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for social-emotional learning are addressed in the Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) Syllabus. PDHPE teaches students about resilience and connectedness as they interact respectfully with others. During PDHPE lessons students learn to critique and challenge assumptions, attitudes, behaviours and stereotypes and develop empathy, resilience, inclusivity and social justice.
explicitly taught through teachable moments: These are unplanned opportunities which regularly arise and provide a teacher with relatable, real-life situations to explore social-emotional responses and offer insight. Teachable moments include, for example, every-day classroom interactions that involve responsible decision making, showing kindness, and resolving conflicts.
A well-developed social-emotional capacity supports students to be creative and confident individuals who have the autonomy to sustain a commitment to their learning and make satisfying progress. A social-emotional capacity also supports students to feel valued, raises their threshold to undertake challenges, and empowers them to enjoy collaborative and productive relationships. The provision of social-emotional learning is an important part aspect of a school community and a student’s education. Personal-and-social-capability.pdf
Govindharajan, Manju (January 2017) Teachers are the role models to students.